What is this?
- We offer boxes of high quality, embellished greeting cards in decorative boxes for $30.
- There are 5 options of boxes to choose from (see picture):
- 2 styles of 30 cards for many occasions
- 30 cards for kids birthdays
- 50 cards for different holidays throughout the year
- 30 styles of Thank You & Blank greeting cards
- In short, it's offering 30 beautiful cards for $30 & you get $13 (minus tax if not tax exempt) back from each box!
- That's a 43% return!!
Who can do this?
- ANY person or organization desiring to raise money for ANY reason.
- Examples of beneficiaries:
- a friend/relative fallen on hard times (illness, death, deployment, fire, loss of job, ETC)
- an organization of your choice
- a school or library
- If you have an idea, let's talk about it!
What do I do?
- Contact me first!
- I will answer all questions personally.
- I will meet with you and give you a packet for each person who is participating in the fundraiser.
- it is everything you will need to be successful!
- You collect orders & payments from friends & family and turn it in to me.
- I handle all ordering & will return the money you earned directly to you after the order is placed.
- Card boxes will be sorted and delivered by you.
What do I Earn?
- $13 for every box sold!
- Tax will be withheld from earnings if not tax exempt.
- Over 40% of all sales goes back to you for your cause!
- Tax will be withheld from earnings if not tax exempt.
- Payment can be received as soon as order is placed in the form of money (not books).
- It comes directly from me so no waiting on a third party.
- I am here to guide you the entire time! Please ask any questions you have!